Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Journal 6: My Third Eye

The experienced of my third eye was when my second brother was hospitalized and his life was 50/50. I thought I’m going to loose my brother at my young age which I was 7 years old and he was 9. He was comma just because of his gum got ripped. The doctors told my parents to get prepare for anything that will happen. His body was fully covered with wires which connect him to a machine to show his heart beat.

Before he went comma, he was half conscious. At that time, he doesn’t recognize my mom which saddens my mom even more when her own child could not recognize his own mom. But she doesn’t blame him because she knows that my brother is not himself at that moment. Everyone who saw the incident felt so sad and say their prayers so that he gets better. Not long after that, he gained his conscious and he was discharged from hospital after doctors checked his conditions and they allowed him to go.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Journal 5: Islam and Buddhism

Every religion shared their differences and similarities for the way they handle a funeral. As for Islam and Buddhism the difference between these religions is, in Islam the funeral is only held for about a week or seven days. However, in Buddhism, the funeral will last for forty-nine days.

However, there is also similarity between these two religions. The similarity is that whenever we attend a funeral, we have to respect the dead and the family of the dead. This is because the family just lost a member of their family. Besides that, when we visit them, we will say few good things about the dead and will recite prayer for the dead.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Journal 4: Polygamy in Mariah

When we talked about polygamy with either married or single women, we will receive negative feedback from them. This is because they against their husband to have another wife. In other words they do not wish to share their husband with another women. This can happen to any women either they are religious person or not. For example, in Mariah, Cik Yam against Tok Imam desired to take Mariah as his second wife.

In reality, it is hard for women to accept that their husband had an affair with another women and in process to take a second wife. For them, it is better that they are divorce with their husband than share with another women. When the couple got divorce, the effect will goes to their children because their children will feel that their parents do not love them anymore and the possibility to create problem outside of the house is big because they want to get attention from their parents.

However, there are women who are willing to let their husband have another wife. This is because in Islam, women who allowed their husband to have another wife will have 'payung emas' in Heaven. Some women do like the sound of the rewards but majority do not like it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Journal 3: The Interview VS Empire of The Sun

In The Interview and Empire of The Sun there are differences and similarities in the elements of the stories. One of the element which is plot have quite big differences and similarities that can be spotted in both stories.

The differences are in The Interview, the story was told by someone who was in the war, and it was flashback by the interviewee who was involved in the war. However, in the Empire of The Sun, the story is told in the order they happen. In other words chronological order.

Besides that, the beginning of the story in Empire of The Sun, the story gives information to the audience about the characters, location and how the war got started. However, in The Interview, the interviewer told the reader of how she/he got involved and interest to interview Brigadier Mason.

However, for the similarities, both stories shared the same ending which is closed ending. In Empire of The Sun, the main character got reunite with his family again and in The Interview, the interviewer received informations that are useful for his work.

Besides that, the conflict in both stories are also the same. The conflict in both stories are the same which is interpersonal conflict that is human versus human

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Journal 2: War in The Interview

Whenever we talk about war, people will talk about sad things that happen to innocent people and bad things about the enemy. Nobody like news about war. It doesn't matter if it is an international news, sympathy towards the citizen will automatically arise among audience. Based from short story titled 'The Interview', the interviewee tell his experienced of being a Japanese prisoner.

Based from the story, the enemy will do anything to get information from their prisoner in order to win the war. They will torture their prisoner in a cruel way to make the prisoner speak and give information in exchange to survive.

Besides that, the enemy not only torture the prisoners physical, but they also play with the prisoners mind. They willing to trick their prisoners saying that they are going to surrender and any information that they will receive will not affect the outcome of the war. This is where the prisoners could make a big mistake which is by telling the enemy the information they had.

Journal 1: Life full of Pretending in BUGIS

People always like to live in a life of pretending. They like to pretend to be someone else without knowing the consequences. Sometimes pretend can be a good thing and it's depend on individual purpose and situation. This issue is very popular in order to get attention from people around them. The same issue happen in short story titled 'Bugis'. A sudden change can give a bad impression to other people. Instead of being happy with our changes, they will talk behind our back saying that we only pretend to be nice. For example, the character, Salmah, a friend of the main character wears tudung. The narrator is not used to the changes that Salmah has made and she said that Salmah only pretend to be a good girl because she wants to gain trust from her mother and when they arrive at Polytechnic, Salmah will hold her boyfriends' hand.

Besides Salmah, the Bangladeshi men who pretend did not see the transvestite in the MRT. Usually men will make noise if they see either ladies or soft men, but the Bangladeshi men just keep silent in the MRT. They didn't make wolf-whistle sound probably because they pretend to behave themselves in the MRT in order they are not at their country. So, they think that it is better for them to behave than make problem. Surely if they are at their country they will make the wolf-whistle sound to whoever they want to annoy.

The transvestite also pretend that she's used with the looking from strangers. But deep down in her heart, she must be sad because the world can hardly accept people like her. She is trying to be someone else by change her true gender. She changed her identity probably because she had dark experinced with her real identity. It is useless to change identity to live in a comfortable life or to forget our nightmare. It is better to live as who you are because it is easy for people to accept and understand the real you.